Be a celebrity The young teenagers singers, have a great musical career, but there are also some problems that they could have being sou young and without any experiences int the job or in life. On one hand, them private life, it can be so dificultad to have private life being a celebrity at the same time, the always will be persecuted by the press and the paparazzi, also the drags are a problem, being young and have party all day all night can create an addiction or in the worst case an overdose. On the other hand, can be a good opportunity to meet new people and make friends 👫 , that can help you if you have some problems or get something. In conclusion i don’t like to be a celebrity, because a love my private life, and do my things without anyone knowing anything of my life
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2019
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Flying cars 🚘 Have a flying cars can be a breakthrough for the society, they flan help a lot to not have car accidents, and if the use renewable and ecological fuel, it would be a breakthrough for the planet. On one hand, it can also have some problems for the flying animals, in the real life there ara some birds who die because of the cars, so if we use flying cars there will be more birds that chilled into the cars, and die On the other hand, we would have to rewrite news roles for this cars and creat news roads in the sky to not crash between two cars. So all the persons who have the license will have to pass the exam agains. In conclusion I don’t want to have a new car that it can fly, if there are animals that can die for my guilt.
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Governments should censor the internet. The governments shouldn’t censor the internet, the internet is an important tool for all the persons who live in the would and have access to this one. On one hand, if the govern want to censor some pages of internet, it would be that they don’t want you to see something that cold harm them, as ideologies contrary to them ones. On the other hand, I think that if one person has hung something from another, the other one could report that and the govern censore the web. In conclusion the Govern could intervene in case it is not in its own benefit, only for help people.
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RECYCLING DICTATION Climate change is the global variation in the earth climate, human activity contribues to the so coald the greenhouse effect, which is coas by the retange of gasses sutched coven dioxide in the atmosphere. Well many countries demonstrating their comitment to curbing climate change the attitude actions of individuals citizens can also have a significant impact on the environment, one of the most waitley promoted ways to reduce costumations is to recycling, both by bisnes and by individuales, this helps to develop the ceculary economy which is based on three pillars: reduce reuse and recycle in the EU almost 2.600.000.000 tonnes of waste were produced in 2014 of these 44% was recycled and 31% was amast in landfills, the european parliament environment commission ins to archive recycling rast of 70%, and reduced the waste sent a landfills by the year 2030. In spain … the importance of recycling is increasing year upon year, in 2016 ...
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Hazardous air quality warning as smoke from bushfires spreads across NSW . In NSW, the air is polluted by the smoke of the bushfires. According to the environment department, 80 fires are burning across NSW, filling Sydney’s skies with dangerous particles. The last time they took samples of the air of Sydney’s, pollution rate was the highest of all stats. The authorities inform the residents of New South Wales to be careful with the damaging effects of the smoke from bushfire.The ambulance commissioner, explained that the smoke was causing a higher demand on the service, with almost 100 asthma or breathing- related calls since the fire started , he recommended to remaining alert, as it could be a deadly condition for the person. There are other experts who advise the population to be careful with the smoke’s irritating effects, they advice not to do any outdoor activity near the areas where there have been fired. https://www.the...