Climate change is the global  variation in the earth climate, human activity contribues to the so coald the greenhouse effect, which is coas by the  retange of gasses sutched coven dioxide in the atmosphere. Well many countries demonstrating their comitment to curbing climate change the attitude actions of individuals citizens can also have a significant impact on the environment, one of the most waitley promoted ways to reduce costumations is to recycling, both  by bisnes and by individuales, this helps to develop the ceculary economy which is based on three pillars: reduce reuse and recycle in the EU almost 2.600.000.000 tonnes of waste were produced in 2014 of these 44% was recycled and 31% was amast in landfills, the european parliament environment commission ins to archive recycling rast of 70%,  and reduced the waste sent a landfills by the year 2030.

In spain … the importance of recycling is increasing year upon year, in 2016 the average spanish citizen recycled 13.2 kg of plastic containers cans and packaging and 15.5 kg of paper and cardboard
resulting in one million…. tones of c02 emitted into the atmosphere. recycling leds to a  reduction in emisions water and energy. but what are the recyclied items converted into? 
with 22 plastic botles you can make a t-shirt, you can make a bicicle using 80 recycled tyrcans and 8 cereal boxes can be used to make one book.the second hand markets meanwhile also contributes greatly to the development of the circular economy. this sector collects fashion and beauty products, electronic devices and toys that would otherwise end up in land fields sites in spain alone it is estimated that the second hand trade reduced the impact of co2 by seven hundred thousand 700000 tones in 2016 this is equivalent to almost 3.9 trafic free months or the manufacture of 2.8 million cell phones. as we can see a small contribution to protecting the environment can have a much grater impact than we might imagine. simple activities such as reducing,reusing and  recycling are essential in order to save the planet.


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