
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2019
HOW TO TRAVELL WITH ALMOST NO MONEY  This ted took, is about one man who lost his work, his money and his meaning, so he decided to get people in his house like to host travellers, who went to his house tell him storis abouthem, and he decided to do it without money. The travellers say him two things, the first one "don't be brave, only have courage to start to travelling"  and the second one is "you don't have to be rich to travell" So he decided to do il with almost no money for 5 years. For do this he only had needed to have three things, first how to move with tansport, for example doing hetchiked. The second is about where to sleep, like parks or voluntearius. Finally the food and water, basic things. He explanes differents alternatives to eat or where you can sleep in the cities he bought the food in the supermarket to take the food that the day isn't sold. He also sleept in the parks or in tends. The other interesting thing is about...
THE LONGEST JOURNEY When i was 15 years old I went to a journy from Barcelona to Toulous with my family, my parents and my little brother.  Starting this journey ihad downloaded three chapters of the series "The Vampire Diares" and the film "to all the Boys that i fell in love".When the journey started the firsthouers  i saw the three chapters, I played with my brother but at the end we discossing, and my mom god mad with us. So i started to watch the film, i really like the film. And finally wa arrived to Toulous.
RECYCLING  Recycling is a good way to improve the planet and save the animals and the plants who live in the world.  The North Pole is one of the parts of the Earth most affected, because all the things and plastics that we procude  cause a gread impact in the atmosphere and this provoke that the ice melts. And the polar bears left homless and end it. That's why we should stop to produce or buy plastic things like bags. It's dificcult to do it, but in two thousand and twenty five there Will be in the sea one tonl of plastic for every three fish. To help and reduce that, we can recycle better tan now and let everyone do it, because we are creating the end nd the destruction of our planet. But we aren't the one on the Earth, there are also the animals and the planet so we are creating the end of their.  In conclusion we have to recycle mor and consume plastics less, if we want to keep on the earth. 
I MARRY WHEN I WHANT This ted talk where one girl tlaks about her life and the life of the others girls of Malawi. First of all, she did a Little introduction about herself, then she reads a poem that was written by one girl of her town. This poem is calles " I marry when i want", and it explains that in the town where they live the parents marry them daughters with rich men or with old man, so the poem explains that the girls can marry when and with they want. After the poem Memory explained a story about her Little sister thet get pregnant at 11 years old and she had had three babies. This is because in Manawi there is a day which is called "the very important day" where the adults men pass the night with the little girls. Memory and the other girls want to  stop this day and they push for getting married at 18 years old mínimum or at the age that they want.  At the end, all the girls get it. She ended the Ted talk saying that all the women are ...
DESCRIPTION  I  am going to describe my brother, he is the little in the family,  he has 12 years old.  He is ferran, very generous and creative with the things like Lego or some plays like this one. The bad things are that he can be very immpatient, he needs the things always right now ...
MY ROUTINE  My routine starts when I wake up, obviously. I stay 5 minutes streching in bed, then I get dressed and I make up . When I finish  i go to have breakfast, wash my teeth  and finally  I go to EAM.
TALKE OF A MAN'S LIFE  in the video we can see how a man graus up. At the beginning we see how a hand torn the light on and a little boy appears infront of the mirror. In that moment  we see all the diferents stages of his life, for example when he has 6 one of his teeth was wobbly and then the tooth fell out, or when he have had  a hicky when he was 12. That are a small stages of the life until he dies. 
GOODBYE THINGS, HELLO MINIMALISME  This text explanes how a men very materialist change to be a men minimalist. He talks about his life after change him lifestyle, now he is more happy than when he was materialistic. Explanes that be materialistic make you feel a miserable person, because he was comparing all the time with the persons who have more things than him. To sum up he says that with few things we can be happier than if we have a lot of things. 
THE BRACELET  I chose a bracelet. It's important for me because I bought it with my friends the last summer, when we were in a party. In the group we are twelve in the group and we never agree with anything but when we decided to bought one we were all agree with the idea. 
THE SHADOW Since 1932, in England lived a teenager, with a normal life and with a normal family her names was Lia, she had 17 years old and was very beautiful, she had green eyes and curly brown hair, a pretty girl with a clear idea, she wanted to be a prestigious film director. She shared this dream with her best friend, called Harry he had 17 years old, with brown eyes and black hair, sometimes he was a little bit stubborn, creative and hard worker. One day they went to an abandoned library to did some vidio tests, they found this library in an alley, in the center of London .The place was very dark and hardly entered light with a lot of dust and spider webs, the few books that were left were practically destroyed, some were missing pages, other means burned. They made a couple of shots, when the found a strange book, it was red and it seemed new, it was the only book that didn’t had any spider webs or dust. Lia take the book while Harry was filming and when...