Recycling is a good way to improve the planet and save the animals and the plants who live in the world.
The North Pole is one of the parts of the Earth most affected, because all the things and plastics that we procude cause a gread impact in the atmosphere and this provoke that the ice melts. And the polar bears left homless and end it.
That's why we should stop to produce or buy plastic things like bags. It's dificcult to do it, but in two thousand and twenty five there Will be in the sea one tonl of plastic for every three fish.
To help and reduce that, we can recycle better tan now and let everyone do it, because we are creating the end nd the destruction of our planet. But we aren't the one on the Earth, there are also the animals and the planet so we are creating the end of their.
In conclusion we have to recycle mor and consume plastics less, if we want to keep on the earth.
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