This ted talk where one girl tlaks about her life and the life of the others girls of Malawi.

First of all, she did a Little introduction about herself, then she reads a poem that was written by one girl of her town. This poem is calles " I marry when i want", and it explains that in the town where they live the parents marry them daughters with rich men or with old man, so the poem explains that the girls can marry when and with they want.

After the poem Memory explained a story about her Little sister thet get pregnant at 11 years old and she had had three babies. This is because in Manawi there is a day which is called "the very important day" where the adults men pass the night with the little girls. Memory and the other girls want to  stop this day and they push for getting married at 18 years old mínimum or at the age that they want. 

At the end, all the girls get it. She ended the Ted talk saying that all the women are strong and  we can do all we want, we are free to decide our life. 


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