My best travel experience was when I was 12 years old. I went on a cruise wtih my family. the cruise lasted 7 days.
The first day we stay all day inside the cruise doing diferents activities, for example we went to the pool, although we didn't swim because the water was very dirty and hot from all the people who where bathing. So we rest in the hammocks, was in this momento when i discover Pina Colada, without alcohol of cours.
The following day we visit Tunez, we saw the city and the ruins of Cartagena, in the ruins one man put an hawk on my brother's shoulder, he started to shout and it was very funny.
At the third day we visit Pompeia to saw the petrified city and then we went to Nápoles, I really enjoy this part of the trip. The fourth, fifth and sixth days we visit Rome, the Vatican and Florence, I don't remember so much about this citys, I only remember that they are very pretty.
And the last day we returned to Spain.
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