A global exploration of nature-based technolog
So, we choose this article because, we thougth that it is important to adapt our constructions to the envoirment, because those pictures of the natural-based technology, that means that a tree can be used as a bridge, is incredible and so green.
The summary of that newspaper article is that the intellectuals of the European enlightenment of three hundred years ago, prefered to ignore the local wisdom and indigenous innovations, because it was demanding and primitive. And also the have influenced by of humanism, colonialism and racism trends.
Nowadays we have discovered that those innovations were partially to blame in some aspects of the climated Change and also we have lost many ones beautiful places, with hard infrastructures.
There are some people like Julia Watson, the author of Lo-Tek, a book which explores thousands of years of human wisdom from 20 countries. That book also talked about the traditional ecological knowledge, practices and beliefs, and she explains some interesting forms of how to use the new sustainably technology to reduce the human pollution.
In conclution we think to reduce our envoirmentel impact is so important nowadays and more beautiful to see than a ‘’modern’’ construction, that are made from bricks and iron.
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