Throughout my life i have seen a lot of Tv series, since i was little my parents after the launch they put me on the TV, or if i have finished my homework they let mesaw some series like “Winx club” or “los magos de Waverly place”, i grow up with these series and nowadays i would see them again. So Yasmin, i love tv series, i love all the genres, less horror and scary. 

I can't choose one series, i love the mystery with vampires or some fantastic elements like “the vampire diaries”, “the originals” or “legacies”, but i also like the normal mystery with a murderer, crimes or detectives like “detective Conan” or  “Sherlock Holmes”. And i love series like “friends” or series with love like “to all the guys that i love” 

The reason for that i hate the scary series is because I don’t like to feel bad when i see some serie or film, if i see one i want to enjoy it, and also with the horror ones, i don’t want to see how one person cut himself his eyes.


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