
Formal letter

15 Sarriba  road Mahon 07704 13 may, 2020 The coordinator Polígono de es Castell  Es castell 07701 Dear Mrs Skyes  I am writing in response to your advice posted on internet journal on 17th June. I would like to apply for the position of teacher in the weekends.  I’m 17 years old and, since I was young I have swum in the Polígono Deportivo De Mahon, in I also compiten and win some competition. In addition i had done a first-aid course with Sta Maria Ambulance organisation. My work experiences includes teaching one group of 8-9 years old in the summer, as well as working working for 4 months in a Surf camp. I have included copies of references from both these places of work  In addition to above, i am a very organized person and hard-worker, and i take my responsibilities very serious.  I hope you will consider my application favourably. I would be happy to attend an interview at any time that is convenient.  Yours faithf...
The Brontë sisters  Charlotte : Charlotte was born in 21 april of 1816 in Toronto, United Kingdom, she had four sisters Emily, Anne, Maria and Elizabeth, and one brother Branwell who was the favourite of her father, he was a Irish clergy and writer.  She was an English novelist and poet, who had inspired in the most of travels that she had done or all the colleges that she had went and the  Blackwood's magazine.  The most important novels that she had written was always under the pseudonym of Currer Bell, Lord Charles Albert and  Florian Wellesley, and there were Poems, Jane Eyre, Shirley, Villette, the professor witch had written with her two sisters, and finally Emma witch was incompleted.  Maria and Elizabeth die of tuberculosis, then her brother, Emily and finally she die when she had just married and get pregnant she die 1855, also die of tuberculosis like all her brothers.  Work She was the eldest of the three Bronte s...
 A global exploration of nature-based technolog So, we choose this article because, we thougth that it is important to adapt our constructions to the envoirment, because those pictures of the natural-based technology, that means that a tree can be used as a bridge, is incredible and so green. The summary of that newspaper article is that the intellectuals of the European enlightenment of three hundred years ago,  prefered to ignore the local wisdom and indigenous innovations, because it was demanding and primitive. And also the have influenced by of humanism, colonialism and racism trends.  Nowadays we have discovered that those innovations were partially to blame in some aspects of the climated Change and also we have lost many ones beautiful places, with hard infrastructures. There are some people like Julia Watson, the author of  Lo-Tek, a book which explores thousands of years of human wisdom from 20 countries. That book also talked about the...
Facebook   Facebook it's a platform with internet where all the persons who have internet and computers can access. Facebook makes possible to talk or to know how the life of your friends is, whether if they live in another country or at the same town. I think that it's a good way to be connected and in contact with our friend, but at the same time there are bat persons who pretend to make believe that they are others.  I don’t see much future for this platform, because there are others that are better, like Instagram or tweeter, where you can protect your identity, and choose who can follow you.  I think that nowadays is really difficult to live without any social platform, all of us are connected, and its so difficult to give up the phone, because the most time of our life we have our phone on our hands, connected and show all the things that you do with you time to people that you don’t know. 
TV SERIES Throughout my life i have seen a lot of Tv series, since i was little my parents after the launch they put me on the TV, or if i have finished my homework they let mesaw some series like “Winx club” or “los magos de Waverly place”, i grow up with these series and nowadays i would see them again. So Yasmin, i love tv series, i love all the genres, less horror and scary.  I can't choose one series, i love the mystery with vampires or some fantastic elements like “the vampire diaries”, “the originals” or “legacies”, but i also like the normal mystery with a murderer, crimes or detectives like “detective Conan” or  “Sherlock Holmes”. And i love series like “friends” or series with love like “to all the guys that i love”  The reason for that i hate the scary series is because I don’t like to feel bad when i see some serie or film, if i see one i want to enjoy it, and also with the horror ones, i don’t want to see how one person cut himself his eyes.
Be a celebrity  The  young teenagers singers, have a great musical career, but there are also some problems that they could have being sou young and without any experiences int the job or in life.  On one hand, them private life, it can be so dificultad to have private life being a celebrity at the same time, the always will be persecuted by the press and the paparazzi, also the drags are a problem, being young and have party all day all night can create an addiction or in the worst case an overdose.  On the other hand, can be a good opportunity to meet new people and make friends 👫 , that can help you if you have some problems or get something.  In conclusion i don’t like to be a celebrity, because a love my private life, and do my things without anyone knowing anything of my life
Flying cars  🚘 Have a flying cars can be a breakthrough for the society, they flan help a lot to not have car accidents, and if the use renewable and ecological fuel, it would be a breakthrough for the planet. On one hand, it can also have some problems for the flying animals, in the real life there ara some birds who die because of the cars,  so if we use flying cars there will be more birds that chilled into the cars, and die  On the other hand, we would have to rewrite news roles for this cars and creat news roads in the sky to not crash between two cars. So all the persons who have the license will have to pass the exam agains.  In conclusion I don’t want to have a new car that it can fly, if there are animals that can die for my guilt.